LXRY Attends: The Tale of Cherry Noir Event Presented by Grey Goose Cherry Noir
Last night we attended The Tale of Cherry Noir event presented by Grey Goose Cherry Noir at the Thompson Hotel in Toronto. This event brought a slew of media attention and socialites all enjoying a menu of specialty beverages, all incorporating the new Grey Goose Cherry Noir flavour.
The event started at 9:00 pm and it was stirring with people from magazine writers and editors, TV personalities, media people and everyone in between. One of the standout aspects of the event was the Instaprint system, which printed out your Instagram picture when attendees use the hashtag, #CherryNoir (shown below).
The event took place at the main floor of the Thompson Hotel and we were greeted with a diamonds, as classy drink tickets, that were engraved with the Grey Goose Cherry Noir name, a nice touch.
Most were crowded around the bar, trying to be one of the first people to try the new Grey Goose Cherry Noir in a mixed drink or whatever they preferred. There was a great selection to choose from and everyone seemed to be happy with what they had exchanged a diamond for. One of the most impressive focal points was the lineup of Grey Goose bottles along the center line of the bar, creating a nice runway and a slew of nice photography opportunities.
The whole room protruded a dark, night atmosphere but filled with accents of red all over the room. The music was great, DJ WRISTPECT made a great playlist that provided the crowd with Top 40s, mixed with crowd favourites, which definitely added a lot to the room.
Special thanks go to Grey Goose Cherry Noir, ASC PR, Thompson Toronto and the great people at Community Agency for this great event.
Socialize with Grey Goose Cherry:
FB | fb.com/Grey-Goose-Cherry-Noir
TWTTR | @GreyGooseCherry
WWW | greygoose.com/Cherry-Vodka
INSTGRM | @greygoosecherry
PNTRST | @greygoosecherry
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Question: What do you think would be the best cocktail with Grey Goose Cherry?