
The Cottager: Cobalt A25 Boat and Viceroy Pasadena Cottage

Canada Day weekend

What could be better than a boat, a cottage, and a long weekend?

Boat: Cobalt A25

Base Suggested Retail Price: $90,055

Photos from: Cobalt Boats

2020 Update: The Cobalt A25 Boat is not available as a new model, but other great Cobalt Boats can be seen on their website. 

Cottage: Viceroy Pasadena

This Pasadena made by Viceroy is 3,226 square foot cottage that can be installed anywhere you buy land. Basically, a full cottage in a box. This cottage is perfect for waterfronts or even just on a large lot of land. With big windows and a big deck, it’s great for looks and for entertaining.

2020 Update: Viceroy is no longer in business. Although they made beautiful homes, they have moved on to other and better things! For more Canadian luxury, be sure to read other stories.

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